Are Academics the only way to judge a Kid?

Most of us have must have gone thru it in our childhood days. Your brother or cousin or neighbors’ son, must have been better than you at the school getting better grades.


And then post exams the comment, you only keep playing all thru the day, see him or her with such better grades. What is going to happen to you. See sheilas son or anwar uncles’ kid, and then the dramatic expression of I don’t know what wrong I did in my last birth…my kid isn’t getting good grades.

Imagine a group of boys out for a picnic. Someone has to carry a food basket, the drinks basket, someone will help with the chopping of vegetables for the sandwich, the other would help make the campfire, someone would be finding the right trail…is it possible or right to judge who was better. They all played a part and they were all good in their own right.


Every kid is different, different in built, different in his thought process, different in his display of emotions. Two kids born of the same mother are also different. Why do we have to make a comparison between them, on what grounds are we doing it, is there a justification to this thought process of ours or are we just part of the rat race and scared of how our wards will perform that puts us under pressure, as Parents.


Imagine Sachin Tendulkar playing Chess and Visvanathan Annand playing cricket, maybe they would have been good, but then their true potential would have gone untapped.


Every person, every kid is unique in his or her on way and we have to try and identify that potential. That is where DMIT comes in handy. DMIT (Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test) helps us identify your strength’s and areas that need more work. It helps give the Parent a sense of direction In which he can gently nudge his kid and see if the kid is excited about this.

We first scan the ten fingers of the child, post that the reports are generated in a week’s time, post which we have a counseling session between the parent and the councilor, giving in depth information of the child’s personality, learning styles the way he acquires information, multiple intelligences. We also inform you not only about the EQ (emotional quotient) but also the IQ (intelligence quotient) and AQ (adversity quotient).


Scanning typically takes about 30 minutes, so we prefer engaging with the child while the scanning is in progress. The purpose of the scan is to get a clear image of the lines in the fingers. The scanning is detailed and each finger is scanned in three different angles, to make sure we get the perfect score of the ridge count. (the lines in the fingers are termed as ridges). These lines are the base of a possibly beautiful story. This is usually termed as session 1, where the scanning is completed.


In a weeks’ time a detailed fifty four page report is generated and the parents are then called and an appointment is fixed for the counseling session. The session usually takes forty five minutes to an hour where everything is explained to them so that they can interpret it page wise for future references. A copy of the report is given to them, for their records.


Based on the report as to where the kids have scored high we recommend to the parents which areas might be fruitful if added to the kids curriculum to help align their interest and activities that would be sustainable over the  years.


Aligning their inborn talent with their current interest makes it harmonious for the child’s development.


Coming back to the same point, are academics the only way to judge a kid. DEFIN ITELY NOT.


The general perception is that those kids who excel academically are winners and will be good at everything, (not necessarily).  Someone can be theatrically talented someone could be athletic, some would be good at performing arts, while others might be good at Music. Don’t grade a kid just on the basis of academics.


DMIT helps you identify the stronger areas and the areas that need extra work. It doesn’t mean that an area that’s a bit weak can’t be exceled on, with the right amount of efforts put into it you can make that area strong as well. The areas you already are strong at need to identified early and worked upon for much better desired results.


The parent is mostly in a dilemma, which path forward for the child. (HAVE FAITH)


Everyone has the potential for a certain innate quality. Through stimulation and learning, one can become a better human being. Uphold the idea that each of us can fully stimulate our potential and can achieve a bright future.



# DMIT (Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test)