Introduction to DMIT

Often parents only see the consequences of a problem and tend to look for solutions, rather than looking for the cause of the problem. The child maybe failing in his class as he lacks the ability to learn the form taught in class for example: a child failing in history because of his reading and writing skills not because of the memory problem . A child weak in chemistry can be actually weak in Mathematics and due to calculations in Chemistry is not achieving the desired results .

This  report will help the parents to understand the innate characteristics and communication mode of the child, provide them the most appropriate learning habit from a young age, making the learning  ability effective, understanding the development of multiple Intelligence and potential discovery of their children and thus improving on their weak areas during the learning process in order to achieve all round development.

The DMIT (Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test )report answers some key questions about an individual.

What are your study habits like?

What is your style of learning?

Where does your natural flair lie?

What are the areas of strengths and weaknesses?

Why is it difficult to adapt to a social circle for an individual?

The report aids in

Understanding your potential and discovering important areas at the onset of the career forming age.
It gives an advantage of being fully prepared for your further decisions


Dr Harold Cummins is acknowledged as the father of dermatoglyphics .He studied all aspects of fingerprint analysis from Anthropology to Genetics ,from Embryology to the study of malformed hands with two to seven fingers.

In 1927, he wrote a book called fingerprints palms and soles which is called the Bible of Dermatoglyphics. He was the one who coined the term dermatoglyphics. He was an anatomist and a dermatoglyphics specialist.

Sir Francis Galton – In 1888, a British anthropologist , cousin of Charles Darwin , began his observations of fingerprints. In 1892, he published his book fingerprints establishing the individuality and permanence of fingerprints. This book included the first classification system for fingerprints.

Professor Penfield – In 1950, Canadian neurosurgeon published a paper -X-sectional diagram of brain in relation with various parts of the body, indicates a close relation between fingerprints and cerebrum.

Professor Sperry – In 1981, Professor Sperry was awarded Nobel prize in Biomedicine for their study on functions of right and left cerebral hemispheres and double brain theory.

Former USSR used Dermatoglyphics to select candidates for Olympics games. Since 1970s, USSR took 50 gold medals in 1972 and 125 in 1976.

Dr Howard Gardner – is a renowned scientist, psychologist and educationist. After detailed study Dr Gardner developed Theory of Multiple Intelligence. It was his hard work and enlightened mind which looked outside the traditional definition of intelligence to see what really makes people tick.

He was the person who said a learner who excels in an area is not more intelligent overall than one who struggles. The second learner may be stronger in another kind of intelligence .Not only books or classroom or any particular style of suits all of us. We have probably heard someone say I’m a math person. This person is identifying the type of intelligence at which they are strongest. So are the nonmathematical people unable to succeed in mathematical subjects? ABSOLUTELY NOT !!! This theory guides us to possible alternatives in teaching and learning. We are all genius and the world needs our contribution.

However, we may be stronger in some more than others. Our culture focusses most of its attention on linguistic and logical mathematical Intelligence.

He suggests we should pay equal attention to other types of intelligence which all of us have in this world.

Dr Chen Yi Mou – he focussed on developing the combination of the relationship of skin grains ,genes psychology and development of mind along with multi wisdom theory by Dr Gardner.

Aiming to provide tailor made education for every individual with special potential.

Many scientists and medical doctorate found that the number of brain cells (learning potential can be checked from skin grains after long observatory , recordings comparison and inductions.


Brain is divided into two parts. Left Brain and Right Brain. Left brain controls right side of the body & vice-versa. Science has proved that within the same lobe, Left & Right brain do different specific roles. So, brain has 10 compartments 5 Left & 5 right, each compartment is having specific and pre-defined function. Further our brain has approximately 100 billion Neuron cells, which are divided in random order into these 10 compartments. One compartment has less neuron count while other has more. It is impossible that two persons have same neuron distribution. One would love to do that compartment’s work, in which neuron count is more. He will enjoy that work & will find it easy. It will be strength area. One would hate to do that compartment’s work, in which neuron count is less. He will not like it & will find it difficult to do. It will be weak area.

Left Brain Dominance: Analytical brain, more inclined towards self-aware, logical thinking, fine motor skill based activities, language & grammar and may have a hidden love towards nature. They are generally good in academics. They have convergent thinking and can bring their energy and focus at one point. They prefer to respond to Verbal instructions. They like to solve the problems by looking at the parts of things. They are able to locate the differences in similar things easily. They are more planned and structured. Prefer multiple choices tests. They have the ability to control their feelings and emotions. They like Building blocks, puzzles, word forming, problem solving, crosswords etc.

Right Brain Dominance: Creative brain more inclined towards interpersonal skills, imagination, gross motor skills activities, music, colours, pictures, dance, art, rhythms, acting, painting, modelling, fashion, outdoor sports etc. They are generally good in extracurricular activities, primarily creative ones. They tend to throw the rules out of window. They have divergent thinking which is full of creativity and ideas. And they are often lost in their own ideas, thoughts and world. They may be physically present, mentally absent. Right brain people prefer to respond to demonstrated instruction. They like to solve the problems by looking at the problem as a whole. They are able draw the whole picture in their mind easily. They are more intuitive and work upon feelings. Their emotions and feelings have no limits, and they generally come out.

EXCITING ISN’T IT !!! An easy way to determine your potential.